
Why Desktop & Mobile Page Speed Is An Important Factor In SEO?

Why Desktop & Mobile Page Speed Is An Important Factor In SEO? featured image
9 Mar 2020
Nirlep Patel

In our daily life, we may be patient for many things. But the one thing, we may definitely not wait for, is the loading time of a website, we seek to access.

It hardly matters whether we are in a status of urgency or not. It is just that we like to have fast access to anything we require browsing on the World Wide Web, and the average loading time estimated after a study was only three to four seconds!

Of course, there is this other argument, that it depends upon the speed of the server, but the three seconds in waiting is all that is given for the landing page to load. The million-dollar question is why this kind of hurry at all.

Would it matter if the page surfaced after an extra second? Well, it does matter to most. Let us examine the reason why mobile-friendliness and mobile page speed matters.

1. Website Speed Sets Of The Right Series Of Impressions:

People who access your business website would be tremendously impressed with the instant page speed it surfaces. We can say the same about the visitors or non-clients, who would also carry the same impression.

It also means that your site is often being accessed, and the tools you have used to build it as the program used would be of high quality, etc. There is no doubt this has something to do with human nature.

The faster we get service, is easily relatable to efficiency and professionalism, leave alone trust. On the other hand, a website that is slow and takes time to surface would be considered as being insecure.

It would immediately cast a negative impression, and they would remember the experience the first time around. And the website performance SEO will surely fall too. One can be sure, more than half the visitors would not be willing to re-access it, and the percentage of failures would only increase with each try.

2. Website Speed Is In The Word:

Studies show that the internet sets a bar at a new high, keeping in mind the site speed. The demand for faster loading times is constant pressure, and 47% of the people expect it to load in 2-3 seconds, and 40% would quit the screen if it takes over 5 seconds.

This is physiological pressure cast upon oneself since they want to access maximum answers from the websites in the shortest time possible and companies need to analyse how to increase website Speed organically.

Another twist to this is when we are not stationary and on the move, we expect the site access as fast as we move!

3. Website Should Serve What The Users Want:

Every webmaster prefers that his website would be the fastest to load because he is aware of the website speed impacts SEO. But, unfortunately, a few would fall behind. This is where the design of the Web matters.

The design should be simple and attractive at the same time. It should also leave behind a user-friendly experience for the visitor. Therefore, taking into consideration what the user generally seeks, load it onto the landing page, so that their average time get minimal.

This would lead to faster solutions, and the website would be evaluated in terms of content than speed. If a slow website is frustrating, then not being user-friendly is also an equivalent Business risk. Now, this design should be acceptable to both levels.

What might work out as plausible on a desktop would not yield the same results when we access through mobile. Therefore, the website has to be designed in a responsive design serving for better mobile page speed.

Over 80% of the population around the globe access the internet over mobile phones, so a website has to be mobile-friendly to boost their SEO ranking.

4. Website Loading Speed Affects Conversions:

As discussed earlier, visitors to your website would never give it a second chance if the landing page takes over three-four seconds to load. Let us convert these into figures.

Imagine a case of 50000 people who visit, and 40% of those choose to never visit it again because it took 3 seconds or longer.

That would mean 20000 people would turn their backs at you, and when this figure is extrapolated, say, a million. 200000 people will never choose your product.

Therefore, the equation is clear. Lower visitors equals lower sales. This theory is further emphasized by the study that Amazon did and found out that they would lose close to two Billion customers per year!

5. Slow Website Access And Its Long-Term Effect :

Half the customers indeed drop out at the very instant they feel your site is slow, but it is also true that the other half also drops out over time.

This may occur because of their own experiences or negative word of mouth. It also bound this is also to hurt your brand value. Therefore, one has to remember the long-term effect too.

6. Reputation Vs. Slow Access:

The condition that many would quit accessing a website has its exceptions. Take, for example, Facebook or Google search. People do not mind waiting a bit longer, so why googles page speed matter?

We cannot compare this to a site that sells your brand. It may be unfair that they permit such luxuries for a few and not to you.

7. The Google Policy:

Goggle made it a mission that they would be the fastest search engine. They lived up to it, and they have never slowed down at all. But Google ranks, how long your website takes to load when searched for through their own ranking system.

This would affect your branding since Google might resort to displaying websites of similar nature. You need to think with Google, or else you may have to pay the price.

8. Google Page Speed Tool:

How long does a web page take to load? That speed is Page speed. Since 2010. Google has taken it upon themselves on conducting and ranking Page Speed SEO.

To implement this, they used a tool called Google page speed insights tool, which would analyse the front end performance of your site. Apart from this, they offer advice and constructive suggestions on how to improve it.

The parameters set by them are zero to a hundred, and they set the minimum pass mark 85.

9. Blocking Speed Of Page:

There are certain things, which would keep a page away from loading quickly. We know this as Render Blocking. This could be because of the JavaScript or CSS. And needs discontinuation.

The first part is to identify and then eliminate render-blocking resources. These are the steps involved:

1. At the initiation stage, the non-critical resources may load themselves first.

2. Try to eliminate such render-blocking sources by Google development tools. And verify immediately, the effect on the page content.

3. With this factor identified. Call in the Developers and go for the best solution to defer or eliminate render-blocking resources.

10. Initial Loading Of Webpage:

The tool which measures in metric, performing speed, from the time of primary navigation, and up to the time it loads the original content known as First Contentful Paint. It provides perfect feedback on page loading.

11. Google’s Mobile Page Speed Test:

Contrary to what was happening before, websites are being accessed with the aid of mobile phones. There is a pre-planned design to suit your mobile with web pages.

And, we conduct a test called Google Mobile page speed test, how much easier and faster a mobile can access the website, compared to that of a laptop or a desktop.