You can use the Recipe schema Markup for letting Google know about your recipes. When you use the Recipe structured data, you provide valuable information like review ratings, preparation and cooking time, nutrition information, etc. helping Google to understand your content better and also display it in unique ways for the users.
Recipes appear in Google Search and Google Images.
You can enhance your recipes display over Google in two ways:
The Recipe structured data allows Google Assistant to guide users through various Recipes on Google Home and helps in a smart display. Make sure to add the RecipeIngridient and RecipeInstruction properties.
You can enable users to explore recipe gallery pages by adding ItemList Structured Data.
PRO TIP: Please refer to the previous posts in the Series, to know in detail about How To Add Structured Data.
1.Recipe: The item holds a particular recipe.
2.Image: The entity contains the image of the completed dish.
3. Name: The name of the said dish.
4.Aggregate Rating: The property denotes the average review score for the said item. Follow the Review guidelines and the Required and Recommended AggeregateRating property.
5. Author: The name of the person or organisation who has created the recipe.
6. CookTime: the entity denotes the cooking time of the dish in ISO-8601. Ensure to use the entity in combination with preptime
7. DatePublished: the date of recipe publication in ISO-8601.
8. Description: The entity denotes the summary of the Dish.
9. Keywords: The entity contains various other keywords related to the recipe such as the said season, the holiday and other descriptions.
Ensure to:
10. Nutrition.Calories: The said number of calories per serving of the recipe.
11.PrepTime: The entity denotes the length of time taken for preparing the dish in ISO-8601. Ensure to use it in combination with CookingTime.
12.RecipeCategory: The entity denotes the type of the said recipe. Example: Dinner, Breakfast, etc.
13.RecipeCusine: The entity denotes the region of the recipe. Example: Meditrenian, French.
14. RecipeIngridient: A mandatory property for Guided Recipe. The ingredients used in the said recipe.Ensure to include the only ingredient which is essential for making the recipe.Avoid including unnecessary information like the definition of the ingredient, etc.
15.RecipeInstructions: The Entity is a mandatory property for Guided Recipes.The instructions needed to follow for making the dish.
You can denote the value in two ways:
a.HowToStep: You have to specify each step of the recipe via the entity.
b.HowToSection: Only use if the recipe has multiple sections. The entity groups the steps of multiple recipe sections.
A chunk of text indicating one or more steps. Google treats all the steps as part of a single section. Repeated property values are sequenced into a single chunk of text. Google then tries splitting the block of text into several individual steps. It tries to find and remove section names, numbers, keywords, any item which can incorrectly appear in the recipe step txt. It is recommended that you unambiguously specify steps using the HowTo step property.
Do not include unneeded metadata.
Only include texts containing how to make the dish. Avoid including texts like Directions, etc.
The steps should be specified outside the structured data.
16. RecipeYeild: The entity must be an integer type for guided recipes. Ensure to specify the number of savings the recipe produces with only a number. Use additional yields if you wish to include different units. It is required for specifying nutritional information preservation.
17. TotalTime: The entity holds the total time taken for making the entire dish in ISO-8601. You are free to use min and max as child elements for specifying a range of time
Use the entity in combination with CookTime and PrepTime.
18. Video: The video contains the steps to make the dish. Ensure to follow the list of Required and Recommended properties video properties.
19. Video.hasPart: The video clip which is the part of the entire video.
20. Video.hasPart.endOffset: The entity holds the end time of the clip represented as several seconds from the starting of the video.
21. The name of the said clip.
22. Video.hasPart.startOffset: The beginning time of the clip represented via the number of seconds from the starting of the video.
23. Video.hasPart.URL: The link to the start of the clip. It must match the values set in Video.hasPart.start
How To Section :
PRO TIP: Many Recipes do not have sections. For Recipes having sections, start by splitting the recipe instructions into HowToStep properties and add the HowToSection only for specifying sections of steps.
The various properties of the HowToSection:
a.ItemListElement: The entity holds the detailed steps of the section or subsections. If a recipe sub-section is not defined properly, then it might be presented as another step.
b.Name: The entity holds the name of the said section.
HowToStep :
Use the entity for holding the various steps of a recipe.
It is an optional entity, used only when ItemListElement is used.
Only include instructional text and not other texts such as Directions, etc.
All image URLs must be Crawlable and Indexable
Images should represent the marked-up content
Images should be in .jpg , .png , or .gif format.
4. Name: The entity holds the word or a short phrase summarizing the step. Avoid using non-descriptive text.
Use the said entity for describing directions or tips.
ItemListElement :
The property must be added if you want your recipe eligible to appear as a carousel.
PRO TIP: For knowing in-detail about problems related to Troubleshooting and Monitoring Rich Results with Search Console, please refer to the previous posts of the Series.